Choose Your Own Birth Adventure!

I remember my first birth…feeling like I was ready, but then realizing I was anything but! Pregnancy is busy! So much to prepare, so much you hope is ready enough, birth doesn’t have to be on that list. While you don’t control it, you can be confident in your birth preparation!

Say goodbye to traditional classes that only tell you the basics; just enough to make you feel a little bit ready. The Birth Prep Blueprint is comprehensive. Learn your actual options, why they are options, how to decide what your desires are, etc. Get prepped, get empowered, and get ready to rock your delivery day.

You’ve heard that you can’t plan birth, well that’s true! But let me tell you something. You can walk away from it feeling like you were able to make informed choices, knew what you expect when it started and had a resource to fall back on during the journey! That’s what a blueprint is, afterall.

“Teach Me How to Be Calm While I’m in Labor”

— This is something I hear all the time from my clients, but this was an actual quote from a 2020 Childbirth Education Student at the beginning of class. She left saying “I can do this! I can totally give birth!!”

Being prepped and calm in labor and delivery is your goal? That’s exactly what we can do together!

Hi, I’m Kaely, experienced Mom, Doula, Educator and Doula Coach! around here. My whole work is centered on people being supported during and after birth. What we know about people feeling good about their birth experience is how they were supported before and after and whether they felt educated for the experience. That is my passion. Decreasing trauma in birth by increasing high quality education during pregnancy! Why me? I’ve helped thousands of families navigate the process of birth prep and want you to be the next one!

I have been featured by:

 Kaely’s experience includes:


Families taught in Childbirth Education


Labors (from planned cesareans to home births and everything in between!)


Postpartum Families with a wide variety of cultural desires and needs

13+ years

years of parenting my own 3 kiddos who got me started on this awesome journey

What Exactly Is Included?

  • Lifetime access to: 7 Modules educating you from Pregnancy through Postpartum (over 10 hrs of content!)

  • Custom Course Guide and Handouts

  • BONUSES!!!

    • Visual Birth Affirmations Set

    • Birth Position Cheat Sheet

    • Comfort Measures Cheat Sheet

    • Birth Planning Templates

      PLUS You have access to this class forever!

In this course you will:

  • Learn your options before and during birth

  • Walk into labor ready to make decisions about things that come up

  • Have the data and evidence behind the choices that you are making

  • Be equipped for a different, more empowering experience if your first birth left you needing and wanting more

But why an online class?

An online childbirth class offers an unmatched level of convenience and comfort. Picture yourself nestled in your favorite corner, sipping on a soothing cup of decaf tea, as you delve into the wealth of information at your own pace. With lifetime access to these resources, you'll always have the guidance you need, precisely when you need it, empowering you to approach childbirth with confidence and clarity, every step of the way. It’s a blueprint that can guide you now and for many years to come.

Tessa - pictured here with her 1st daughter

The class thoroughly educated us about our options for childbirth which allowed us to feel empowered to make the right choices for our family during the labor process.

It was incredibly helpful that we were able to meet with Kaely throughout the class to discuss the content, ask questions, and tailor a birth plan that met our needs and desires. This was especially beneficial being first time parents.”

 Take a Look Inside:

Module 1: Pregnancy and Preparation

  • Understand what’s happening in your body

  • Learn about optimal labor preparation

  • Understand pregnancy warning signs

Module 2: Labor Stage 1

  • Learn what your body is doing during labor?

  • Learn the spectrum of normal

  • Learn about self-advocacy and making decisions as unexpected things arise

Module 3: Birth Preferences and Comfort Measures

  • Learn about your various options

  • Consider the risks and benefits of pain management methods

  • Practice and Learn positions for labor

Module 4: Delivery and Newborn

  • Learn the ins and outs of pushing

  • Think through what is important to you in the immediate postpartum time

  • Learn what’s normal for your newborn to look and act like right after birth.

Module 5: Induction and Cesarean

  • Explroe the pros and cons of these interventions

  • Learn about when they should or should not be used

  • Learn what your options are and what is normal

Module 6: Immediate Postpartum and Feeding

  • Learn about the early days of feeding your newborn

  • Think through what your first postpartum days may be like.

Module 7: Partner Preparation

  • Learn to be a supportive partner in pregnancy

  • Learn to be a supportive partner in labor

  • Learn to be a supportive partner in postpartum

But Wait…there are BONUSES!!!

  • Labor Positions Cheat Sheet

  • Comfort Techniques Cheat Sheet

  • Illustrated Birth Choices Sheet

  • Birth Choices Checklist

What’s The Investment? Less than that fancy stroller you’ve been eyeing!

JUST $347

Here’s How it Works:

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Start to learn what matters to you in birth!


Annie - Pictured here with her beautiful daughter!

"We first met Kaely as the instructor of our childbirth education class, where we witnessed her immense knowledge and down-to-earth demeanor.

During the course and after we hired her, she provided evidence-based information and resources to empower us to make the best decisions for our circumstances.

Kaely is easy to talk to. She answered all our big and small questions and supported our family’s goals without judgment. "

Frequently Asked Questions:

Let’s get you a blueprint to your confident, informed, empowering birthing experience.